本文共 11026 字,大约阅读时间需要 36 分钟。
例如这样的场景,一张表包含了几个字段,分别为歌手,曲目,专辑名称,作曲,歌词, 。。。
这样就导致SQL写法很冗长,而且要使用大量的OR操作。 有没有更好的方法呢?
create table t1(id int, c1 text, c2 text, c3 text); insert into t1 values (1 , '子远e5a1cbb8' , '子远e5a1cbb8' , 'abc'); postgres=# select t1::text from t1; t1 ----------------------------------- (1,子远e5a1cbb8,子远e5a1cbb8,abc)(1 row)postgres=# \df+ record_out List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Security | Volatility | Owner | Language | Source code | Description ------------+------------+------------------+---------------------+--------+----------+------------+----------+----------+-------------+------------- pg_catalog | record_out | cstring | record | normal | invoker | stable | postgres | internal | record_out | I/O(1 row)
src/backend/utils/adt/rowtypes.c/* * record_out - output routine for any composite type. */Datumrecord_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS){... /* And build the result string */ initStringInfo(&buf); appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '('); // 首尾使用括弧 for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++) {... if (needComma) appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ','); // 字段间使用逗号 needComma = true;... /* Detect whether we need double quotes for this value */ nq = (value[0] == '\0'); /* force quotes for empty string */ for (tmp = value; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ',' || isspace((unsigned char) ch)) { nq = true; break; } } /* And emit the string */ if (nq) appendStringInfoCharMacro(&buf, '"'); // 某些类型使用""号 for (tmp = value; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\') appendStringInfoCharMacro(&buf, ch); appendStringInfoCharMacro(&buf, ch); } if (nq) appendStringInfoCharMacro(&buf, '"'); } appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ')');...
但是实际上有点问题,例子: 这两个词只是末尾不一样,多个个逗号就变这样了postgres=# select * from ts_debug('scwscfg', '子远e5a1cbb8,'); alias | description | token | dictionaries | dictionary | lexemes -------+-------------+-------+--------------+------------+--------- k | head | 子 | {} | | a | adjective | 远 | {simple} | simple | {远} e | exclamation | e5a | {simple} | simple | {e5a} e | exclamation | 1cbb | {simple} | simple | {1cbb} e | exclamation | 8 | {simple} | simple | {8} u | auxiliary | , | {} | | (6 rows)postgres=# select * from ts_debug('scwscfg', '子远e5a1cbb8'); alias | description | token | dictionaries | dictionary | lexemes -------+-------------+----------+--------------+------------+------------ k | head | 子 | {} | | a | adjective | 远 | {simple} | simple | {远} e | exclamation | e5a1cbb8 | {simple} | simple | {e5a1cbb8}(3 rows)
.1. 使用parse将字符串拆分成多个token,以及每个token对应的token type
所以创建text search configuration时,需要指定parser,parser也是分词的核心Command: CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATIONDescription: define a new text search configurationSyntax:CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION name ( PARSER = parser_name | COPY = source_config)
同时parser支持哪些token type也是建立parser时必须指定的
Command: CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSERDescription: define a new text search parserSyntax:CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSER name ( START = start_function , GETTOKEN = gettoken_function , END = end_function , LEXTYPES = lextypes_function [, HEADLINE = headline_function ])
postgres=# select * from pg_ts_parser ; prsname | prsnamespace | prsstart | prstoken | prsend | prsheadline | prslextype ---------+--------------+--------------+------------------+------------+---------------+---------------- default | 11 | prsd_start | prsd_nexttoken | prsd_end | prsd_headline | prsd_lextype scws | 2200 | pgscws_start | pgscws_getlexeme | pgscws_end | prsd_headline | pgscws_lextype jieba | 2200 | jieba_start | jieba_gettoken | jieba_end | prsd_headline | jieba_lextype(3 rows)
查看parser支持的token type如下
scws中的释义postgres=# select * from ts_token_type('scws'); tokid | alias | description -------+-------+--------------- 97 | a | adjective 98 | b | difference 99 | c | conjunction 100 | d | adverb 101 | e | exclamation 102 | f | position 103 | g | word root 104 | h | head 105 | i | idiom 106 | j | abbreviation 107 | k | head 108 | l | temp 109 | m | numeral 110 | n | noun 111 | o | onomatopoeia 112 | p | prepositional 113 | q | quantity 114 | r | pronoun 115 | s | space 116 | t | time 117 | u | auxiliary 118 | v | verb 119 | w | punctuation 120 | x | unknown 121 | y | modal 122 | z | status(26 rows)
.2. 每种toke type,对应一个或多个字典进行匹配处理
ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION name ADD MAPPING FOR token_type [, ... ] WITH dictionary_name [, ... ]
查看已配置的token type 与 dict 的map信息
postgres=# select * from pg_ts_config_map ;
.3. 第一个适配token的字典,将token输出转换为lexeme
(会去除stop words),去复数等。
上面的例子,我们可以看到使用scws parser时,输出的token发生了变化
postgres=# select * from pg_ts_parser ; prsname | prsnamespace | prsstart | prstoken | prsend | prsheadline | prslextype ---------+--------------+--------------+------------------+------------+---------------+---------------- default | 11 | prsd_start | prsd_nexttoken | prsd_end | prsd_headline | prsd_lextype scws | 2200 | pgscws_start | pgscws_getlexeme | pgscws_end | prsd_headline | pgscws_lextype jieba | 2200 | jieba_start | jieba_gettoken | jieba_end | prsd_headline | jieba_lextype(3 rows)postgres=# select * from ts_parse('scws', '子远e5a1cbb8,'); tokid | token -------+------- 107 | 子 97 | 远 101 | e5a 101 | 1cbb 101 | 8 117 | ,(6 rows)
postgres=# select replace(t1::text, ',', ' ') from t1; replace ----------------------------------- (1 子远e5a1cbb8 子远e5a1cbb8 abc)(1 row)postgres=# select to_tsvector('scwscfg', replace(t1::text, ',', ' ')) from t1; to_tsvector --------------------------------------- '1':1 'abc':6 'e5a1cbb8':3,5 '远':2,4(1 row)
postgres=# create or replace function rec_to_text(anyelement) returns text as $$select $1::text;$$ language sql strict immutable;CREATE FUNCTIONpostgres=# create index idx on t1 using gin (to_tsvector('scwscfg', replace(rec_to_text(t1), ',', ' ')));CREATE INDEXSQL写法postgres=# explain verbose select * from t1 where to_tsvector('scwscfg', replace(rec_to_text(t1), ',', ' ')) @@ to_tsquery('scwscfg', '子远e5a1cbb8'); QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on public.t1 (cost=4.50..6.52 rows=1 width=100) Output: c1, c2, c3, c4 Recheck Cond: (to_tsvector('scwscfg'::regconfig, replace(rec_to_text(t1.*), ','::text, ' '::text)) @@ '''远'' & ''e5a1cbb8'''::tsquery) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx (cost=0.00..4.50 rows=1 width=0) Index Cond: (to_tsvector('scwscfg'::regconfig, replace(rec_to_text(t1.*), ','::text, ' '::text)) @@ '''远'' & ''e5a1cbb8'''::tsquery)(5 rows)
postgres=# create extension pg_scws;CREATE EXTENSIONTime: 6.544 mspostgres=# alter function to_tsvector(regconfig,text) volatile;ALTER FUNCTIONpostgres=# select to_tsvector('scwscfg','中华人民共和国万岁,如何加快PostgreSQL结巴分词加载速度'); to_tsvector ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'postgresql':4 '万岁':2 '中华人民共和国':1 '分词':6 '加快':3 '加载':7 '结巴':5 '速度':8(1 row)Time: 0.855 mspostgres=# set zhparser.dict_in_memory = t;SETTime: 0.339 mspostgres=# explain (buffers,timing,costs,verbose,analyze) select to_tsvector('scwscfg','中华人民共和国万岁,如何加快PostgreSQL结巴分词加载速度') from generate_series(1,100000); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series (cost=0.00..260.00 rows=1000 width=0) (actual time=11.431..17971.197 rows=100000 loops=1) Output: to_tsvector('scwscfg'::regconfig, '中华人民共和国万岁,如何加快PostgreSQL结巴分词加载速度'::text) Function Call: generate_series(1, 100000) Buffers: temp read=172 written=171 Planning time: 0.042 ms Execution time: 18000.344 ms(6 rows)Time: 18000.917 mspostgres=# select 8*100000/18.000344; ?column? -------------------- 44443.595077960732(1 row)
Architecture: x86_64CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bitByte Order: Little EndianCPU(s): 32On-line CPU(s) list: 0-31Thread(s) per core: 1Core(s) per socket: 32Socket(s): 1NUMA node(s): 1Vendor ID: GenuineIntelCPU family: 6Model: 63Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHzStepping: 2CPU MHz: 2494.224BogoMIPS: 4988.44Hypervisor vendor: KVMVirtualization type: fullL1d cache: 32KL1i cache: 32KL2 cache: 256KL3 cache: 30720KNUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-31
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